- A total of 43 properties sold.
- Out of the total, 23 were single family dwellings and 20 were bare land.
- Out of the single family dwellings, lot size ranged from 0.4 acre on Green Rd to 50 acres on Bold Point Rd.
- Price range of $330,000 to $3,565,000
- Out of the lots, size ranged from 0.11 acre on Green Rd to 40 acres on Heriot Bay Rd.
- Price range of $168,000 to $679,500
- Median Price
- 2019 $580,100
- 2020 $640,000
- Sell Price/List Price Ratio for 2018 to 2020 has ranged from 93-111%. It is common for properties to sell at full list price or higher.
- Inventory
- 2018 ranged from 4-15 months. 2020 was usually around 2-4 months.
If you are thinking of listing your home this year, the market picks up significantly at the beginning of March. We currently have a severe shortage of homes for sale. I am happy to provide a complimentary market analysis of your home, as well as more detailed market statistics (including sale prices). Feel free to contact me at 250-203-8652 or at renee@quadraisland.ca.